When you become a client at resTOR Longevity Clinic, you enter a realm where science converges with limitless possibilities. We utilize the latest advancements in technology and evidence-based medicine to design personalized programs that transcend conventional approaches. Describing our programs as comprehensive would be an oversimplification.
We firmly believe that the questions we pose hold more power than the answers we currently have. By constantly questioning "How Good Can I Be?" and "How Do I Live Young for a Lifetime?", these inquiries shape every aspect of our operations at resTOR Longevity Clinic. They unlock boundless potential and serve as the cornerstone of our testing, treatments, strategic interventions, and cutting-edge therapies.
Overview of Testing Categories
✓ Cardiovascular Health
✓ Full Genome Sequencing
✓ Sex Hormones & Metabolites
✓ Stress Hormones HPA-Axis
✓ Thyroid, Levels & Function
✓ Nutrient Status
✓ Food Sensitivities
✓ Body Composition
✓ Hearing Assessment
✓ Gut Health
✓ Memory & Cognitive Ability
✓ Sleep
✓ Bone Health
✓ Metabolic Health
✓ Immune System Function
✓ Oncogenic Potential
✓ AI Full Body MRI Scans
✓ Advanced Inflammatory Markers
✓ Epigenetic Rate of Aging
✓ Telomeres
✓ Senescent Cell Burden

Baseline Plan
Take charge of your health and prosper with our Baseline plan. Our comprehensive approach is designed to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to stay ahead of genetic and age-related health issues. Learn about your health and what you can do to improve your healthspan. Join now to unlock proactive and preventative healthcare.
Elite Plan
Our Elite plan is the ultimate solution for proactive and preventative healthcare. With access to personalized data, expert guidance, and advanced genetic testing, you'll have all the resources you need to transform your well-being and extend your longevity. Apply for our Elite membership now and discover the power of taking charge of your health.
Direct Access Plan
Transform your life with in clinic care. Our personalized approach prioritizes your well-being and empowers you to reach your full potential. With the latest technology and individualized data, you will be able to make real transformations in your health and wellness. Choose personalized care that puts you first and unlocks a healthier, happier you.
Corporate Plan
Custom longevity health plan is a convenient and beneficial option for individuals looking to prioritize their well-being and ensure a healthier future. This plan is fully customizable, allowing you to design a comprehensive health program that aligns perfectly with your unique needs and goals. By tailoring this plan to your specific requirements, you can take charge of your health and enjoy an enhanced quality of life. To explore the possibilities or request additional information, we encourage you to inquire or get in touch with us. Our team is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions and guiding you towards a healthier and longer life.