resTOR Longevity Partners

resTOR Longevity Clinic is proud to offer Cleerly Coronary, the most precise tool to identify and track disease early, when heart attacks can be prevented. Cleerly Coronary applies Artificial Intelligence technology that analyzes coronary CT Angiography scans to go beyond traditional measures of heart disease. This technology enables resTOR Longevity Clinic to non-invasively create a comprehensive and detailed quantification and characterization of plaque build-up in each of the heart arteries.
A Cleerly Coronary comprehensive evaluation of coronary artery disease can dramatically improve identification of at-risk patients and allow resTOR Longevity Clinic to precisely track the progression of plaque in your arteries. The result is a revolutionary individualized approach to your treatment to help slow, stop or even reverse your plaque and prevent heart attacks.

To ensure the best in proactive care, resTOR Longevity Clinic is proud to partner with Prenuvo. Rather than wait for symptoms to present and disease to progress, a Prenuvo scan provides early insight into what is going on under the skin. Armed with detailed health information, resTOR will be able to make proactive, informed decisions about your health.
Using proprietary protocols and unique software, a Prenuvo scan typically takes 60 minutes to capture up to x10 the images of other whole body MRIs, for a fraction of the cost and in one sitting. Additionally, the scanner allows the patient’s head to remain outside the machine for much of the imaging session and is wider and more comfortable than a standard machine.

Go further with Galleri®. At resTOR Longevity Clinic, we are proud to include Galleri,
a multi-cancer early detection test, in our treatment options. Our patients are able to detect cancer in its early stages, when it's most treatable.
Galleri screens for the presence of a signal common to many cancers, whereas genetic tests predict the risk of developing cancer in the future. Galleri analyzes methylation patterns on cell-free DNA to screen for the current presence of cancer whereas genetic risk assessments look for DNA mutations that indicate an increased risk for developing cancer in the future.